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A Black Man And A Woman Were Needed To Reform Health Care

Health Care Reform required the leadership of a black man in President Obama and a woman, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to do what Democrats have been trying to accomplish since Social Security and Medicare were passed by Democrats decades ago.

This is probably the Republicans biggest defeat in decades. They have promised to repeal the Health Care Reform bill once they have the majority again. This will be very difficult for a number of reasons.

One, Republicans will have a hard time explaining why the doughnut hole should be opened again now that is has been closed. For 2010, the doughnut hole for the total true out-of-pocket expenses for seniors increased to $4,550. Once drug costs reach $4,350.25, Medicare pays 95 percent of the cost and the beneficiary pays 5 percent.

For too long, seniors in Medicare have struggled with the rising cost of prescription drugs and closing the so called doughnut hole lowers a seniors out of pocket costs for prescription drugs.

Two, insurers have denied coverage to people with pre-existing conditions including children. In one particular case, a newborn baby was denied coverage because of his weight at birth.

Three, young adults can now stay on their parents insurance plan until their mid-twenties. This one will be very popular with parents of teenagers and young adults.

Four, it is being projected by the respected and independent CBO that 32 million more Americans will have health care coverage because of the Health Care Reform bill. How would the Republicans justify repealing coverage for millions of Americans if they really tried to repeal the bill.

Even if the Republicans could find the votes needed to repeal this bill, they would still need a president who was willing to sign it. Everyone can agree at this point that President Obama would not even consider it.

Although the Health Care Reform bill is not perfect, it will be better than the status quo. This bill is seen as historic. The President and Speaker of the House should be applauded.


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