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Government Appliance Rebates

The Federal government has set aside about $300 million in rebate money to encourage American consumers to buy appliances. The money is being given to all states and some U.S. territories as well.

The federal government is hoping to encourage residents to buy furnaces, clothes washers, refrigerators and other appliances with the government’s Energy Star label.

This program is similar to the government's cash for clunkers program where people where encouraged to trade in their older vehicle and receive a generous trade in value toward a new car.

If you are interested in buying a new appliance and want to find out how to receive a rebate from your your state, click here.

This is a very popular program. It has already closed in eight states.

Rebate Programs Have Closed in These States or Territories As Of 4/20/10:
•Rhode Island
•South Dakota

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