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Shirley Sherrod Scandal

Americans and the White House were bamboozled initially. The Agriculture Department leader has rushed to judgement in forcing the resignation of Mrs. Sherrod over an edited video which made her look like a racist.

Even the NAACP which initially only saw the edited version of the video jumped on the bandwagon supporting the call for her resignation.

FOX news first reported the edited version of Andrew Breitbart's video of her speaking at an NAACP function. FOX anchors were acting as if this video was damning.

Conservative Andrew Breitbart was willing to destroy Mrs. Sherrod in order to paint the NAACP as a racist organization after the NAACP passed a resolution stating that the Tea Party was racist.

The NAACP has now admitted that they made a gross mistake in supporting Shirley Sherrod's resignation. The question remains at this point if the White House and President Obama will push the Agriculture department to rehire Mrs. Sherrod now that we have seen the full video and know the truth.

The Huffington Posthas more details on this story.

UPDATE: The White House has done the right thing. They have apologized for rushing to judgement and The Agriculture Department has offered Mrs. Sherrod another job which she is considering.

AOl News has more details on the White House apology and job offer.

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