Three school teachers are accused of giving children pictures of Dennis Rodman, Rupaul, and O.J. Simpson to display during a parade honoring Black History Month.
The Superintendent has placed the three white male teachers on leave during the investigation. The teachers teach 1st, 2nd, and 4th grade at Wadsworth Avenue Elementary School in South Los Angeles.
There were other students that carried pictures of traditional black heroes such as Harriet Tubman as well as leaders of today like President Obama.
Complaints were made to the NAACP and they contacted the school district.
It is difficult to understand why the three teachers choose the two athletes and an entertainer. These three while successful in their chosen fields are not necessarily the kind of people most African Americans want their kids emulating or even honoring during Black History Month.
Even though most African Americans would never choose these three men to represent the best and the brightest of African Americans, the teachers probably have a right to promote them since there were no school policies in place which specified the individuals that could be selected for the kids to display during the parade.
Michael Jackson also had his picture displayed during the parade. Many will argue that he also had a fall from the top or a history that was questionable.
At this point, it is probably best to say that it is premature on the part of those folks that are calling for the teachers to be fired. It is probably more important to put a policy in place to make sure that displaying the photos of African Americans like Rodman, Rupaul, and Simpson never happens again.
Home � Education , youth talk � Teachers Being Investigated For Giving Students Pictures Of Rupaul, O.J. Simpson, and Dennis Rodman
Teachers Being Investigated For Giving Students Pictures Of Rupaul, O.J. Simpson, and Dennis Rodman
Posted by Nick Jackson on 9:26 AM // 0 comments
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