Weeks after Joe Stack went on a suicide mission against the government by flying his plane into an IRS building, John Patrick Bedell fired shots at a Washington D.C. Metro subway entrance to the Pentagon on Thursday, wounding two police officers.
John Patrick Bedell was shot and suffered a critical injury the day of the shooting. Bedell was heavily armed carrying a semiautomatic weapon and several magazines of ammunition. He has died from head wounds inflicted during the shootout.
What did these two men have in common? They were both angry with the United States government. There are Americans that have always been angry with the government for one reason or another; however, it appears as though a tipping point has been reached.
Hints of a long a deep-seated mistrust of government emerged in anti-government Internet postings linked to Bedell. The LinkedIn blog contained a two-part treatise on big government, including its vulnerability to being controlled by a criminal organization.
"This organization, like so many murderous governments throughout history, would see the sacrifice of thousands of its citizens, in an event such as the September 11 attacks, as a small cost in order to perpetuate its barbaric control," the blog post read.
His postings also expressed general hatred of Washington and added that exposing the Sabow case would be “a step toward establishing the truth of events such as the September 11 demolition,” according to the AP.
Whatever is causing Americans in 2010 to start to go on these search and destroy suicide missions against American targets must be investigated. If a thorough investigation does not take place, Americans may witness many more of these missions in the near future.
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Another Angry Guy Goes On Suicide Mission Against U.S. Gov't.
Posted by Nick Jackson on 10:07 AM // 0 comments
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