Washington DC's HIV/Aids population is growing too quickly. The numbers in the city are off the charts. The numbers in DC are so bad that they are higher than some African Nations.
The city will be the first in the country to distribute free female condoms. They will target areas in the city where HIV is very high.
The Washington Post has reported that the distribution could begin within the next three weeks in parts of wards 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7, where a study showed that large numbers of African American heterosexuals engage in risky sexual behavior that could easily lead to infection.
Since large numbers of African American heterosexual males are engaging in risky sexual behavior, women should be prepared to protect themselves at all costs. There is no reason for a woman or a male to shy away from condom use if they are not in a committed relationship.
It was also reported that HIV/AIDS infection is the leading cause of death for black women 25-34 nationwide. A 2008 report showed the District's HIV/AIDS rate at 3 percent, or about 15,100 adults, a major epidemic.
It is wonderful that women and men can offer their partner a male or female condom today. Having more than one option will give individuals more power to protect themselves.
If these two options are not acceptable to either partner, there is always the option of being tested together for HIV/AIDS as well as other sexually transmitted diseases.
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Washington DC First City To Give Away Female Condoms
Posted by Nick Jackson on 11:42 AM // 0 comments
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